
* Alphabetical listing of all pieces since March 2016 (up until piece #503)
* Number in brackets is artwork index number
* These numbers are consistent with the numbering in book (Vol 1)

01-20 January 2021 (373)
08 November 2016 (9)
116th US Congress – House of Representatives (206)
12 Days in March (316)
14th Amendment (191)
1st Amendment (38)
2016 (10)
2018 in Words (145)
2019 Forecast (106)
24 Days in January 2020 (296)
2nd Amendment – round (255)
2nd Amendment (39)
4 Days in September (243)
5th Amendment (40)
A Constellation of Anecdotes & Allegations (144)
A Day in the Life (84)
A different life…(442)
A Different Sort of Life (474)
A lot of people tell me (254)
A.G. William Barr’s Letter (179)
Acquitted (300)
Action not Outcome (218)
Adapt or Die (18)
Adele Haenel (309)
Africa (346, 479, 483, 489, 490, 491, 500)
Alive (500)
All in his Head (234)
And They began to Sing (66, 67)
Angela Merkel (69)
Arcade Fire (58, 133, 135)
At some point it will suddenly happen (445)
Baboon (487)
Beatles (84, 193)
Beautiful (231)
Beehive (258)
Believe In Truth (313)
Biden Inaugurated (372)
Biden’s Path to Victory in Real-Time: 03-07 November 2020 (355)
Big Bang – FTSE 100 (190)
Bill of Rights (267)
Billions & Billions (17)
Black & White (295)
Blank Sheet of Paper (239)
Blink [01-31 October 2020] (356)
Blood on the Tracks (168, 493)
Bob Dylan (56, 57, 160, 168, 174, 204, 292, 493, 503)
Bold (461)
Boosted (400)
Boris (210)
Botswana (414, 490, 500)
Bowie (393)
Brave (410)
Breathe (333)
Brexit Article 50 (196)
Brooklyn Tell Me A Story (387)
Burning Down the House (307)
Cain & Abel (20)
Certainty (322)
Chances (462)
Chosen One (223)
Christine Blasey Ford (62, 73)
Circus (484)
City of Angels (7)
Clarity (499)
Climate Change is a Hoax (147)
Close Your Eyes: 31 Jan – 06 Feb (301)
Coastlines (411)
Cocked & Loaded (200)
Colin Kaepernick 2018 (72)
Colin Meloy (141)
Comfort of Strangers (169)
Common Ground (64)
Complicated (432)
Conch Exploded (226)
Connect – Disconnect (444)
Connect (396)
Connect #2 (434, 435, 436, 437)
Constitution Preamble (37)
Conway vs. Conway vs. Trump (173)
Copper Sun (408)
Copper Sun, Sinking Low (78)
Covid (315)
Crazy Shit Can Happen (312)
Crazytown (51)
Crazytown [01 Jan 2019] (103)
Crazytown [01-04 Dec 2018] (85)
Crazytown [02 Jan 2019] (104)
Crazytown [03 Jan 2019] (105)
Crazytown [03-21 March 2019] (175)
Crazytown [04 Jan 2019] (108)
Crazytown [05 Feb 2019] (152)
Crazytown [05 Jan 2019] (109)
Crazytown [05-13 Dec 2018] (92)
Crazytown [05-24 April 2019] (184)
Crazytown [06 Jan 2019] (110)
Crazytown [06-18 Feb 2019] (159)
Crazytown [07 Jan 2019] (111)
Crazytown [08 Jan 2019] Bye Bye (112)
Crazytown [09 Jan 2019] (120)
Crazytown [10 Jan 2019] (121)
Crazytown [11 Jan 2019] (122)
Crazytown [11-15 Nov 2018] (76)
Crazytown [12 Jan 2019] Federal Shutdown (123)
Crazytown [13 Jan 2019] (124)
Crazytown [14 Jan 2019] (125)
Crazytown [14-17 Dec 2018] (95)
Crazytown [15 Jan 2019] (127)
Crazytown [16 Jan 2019] (128)
Crazytown [17 Jan 2019] (129)
Crazytown [17-24 Nov 2018] (79)
Crazytown [18 Dec 2018] (96)
Crazytown [18 Jan 2019] (130)
Crazytown [19 Dec 2018] (97)
Crazytown [19 Feb – 02 March 2019] (165)
Crazytown [19 Jan 2019] (131)
Crazytown [20 Dec 2018] (98)
Crazytown [20-26 Jan 2019] (146)
Crazytown [21 Dec 2018] (99)
Crazytown [21 Jan – 05 Feb 2019] (153)
Crazytown [21 Jan 2019] (132)
Crazytown [22 Dec 2018] (100)
Crazytown [25-30 Nov 2018] (82)
Crazytown [4-10 Nov 2018] (74)
Creatures of Prometheus (314)
Credible – 30 March 2021 (382)
Cry the Wounded Country [19 June – 03 July 2020] (338)
Danger Gevaar Ingozi (216)
Data is the New Oil (139)
David Bowie (393)
David Byrne (307)
Day in the Life (84)
Dazed (413)
Decemberists (141)
Deepen the Mystery (467)
Defend Institutions – 16×20 blue (303)
Defend Institutions – 16×20 greyscale (305)
Democrats Retake House (70)
Desire (174, 503)
Dillon Beach (416)
Disconnect (444)
Distant Shoreline – 19 April 2020 (320)
Do it Right Now (456)
Do Not Obey In Advance (304, 310)
Do Not Stare at a Baboon (487)
Don’t Look Back (431)
Dow Jones – Dec 2018 (86)
Dream of Places (54)
Drip, Drip, Drip (19)
Dylan (493, 503)
Earlier Today (32)
Electrified Moats & Alligators (251)
Elusive – News Headlines from November 2022 (485)
Elusive (498)
End of the Game (284)
Enough (302)
Enticing (398)
Evade/Avoid (402)
Everyone Was In The Loop (273)
Everything – Black & White (295)
Everything – July 2020 (337)
Everything you can Imagine (470)
Evidence-Based (405)
Fever – news headlines from April 2022 (426)
Fifteen Days in March (317)
Fifteen People (315)
Fifth Amendment (40)
First Amendment (38)
Folly & Bewilderment (441)
Football World Cup – 2018 (42)
Forecast 2019 (106)
Forecasts 2022 (409)
Forever African (208)
Fortune 500 (306)
Fractured Perceptions (454)
Freedom or Equality? (351)
Friends (201, 277)
FTSE 350 (209)
Get Stuff Done (453)
Get to Work (449)
Global Wind Map (368)
Glorious Existence (465)
Go Back Where You Came From (205)
Green Lilac Park (138)
Greta Thunberg (233)
Guns Vs. Butter (225)
Ha! (91)
Hamba Zuma (30)
Hampstead Heath (428)
Have You Planned Your Next Adventure Yet? (425)
He Speaks in a Code (162)
Health Care Bill Passed (457)
Heat [01-31 August 2020] (349)
Hell Yes (477)
Hemingway of Twitter (50)
Her Mind Drifted Back to Lisbon (237)
Her Passport Shows a Face (160)
Here It’s Beautiful (140)
Here’s The Thing… (365)
His Condition is Getting Worse (172)
Hooded Eyes Weary Brows (203)
House Intel Committee Report (282)
How Did I Get here? (299, 361)
I am Indeed the Grim Reaper (197)
I Can’t Breathe (333)
I Dig a Pygmy (193)
I Fear there will Never be a Peaceful Transition of Power (163)
I Have the Tough People (171)
I Need New York (141)
I Won [15-20 November 2020 (359)
I’m Just a Country Lawyer (177)
I’m Yours (232)
Idealistic (399)
Idiot Wind (56)
Illusion [01-30 September 2020] (353)
Impeachment of Donald Trump (286)
In Her Hair She Had a Small Bird (227)
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea (149)
In the Blink of an Eye (326)
In the Rose Garden (354)
Incitement of Insurrection (371)
Inferred or Guaranteed? (192)
Information Overload, 01-15 January 2020 (294)
Insane – news headlines from March 2022 (421)
Interesting Times (336)
Into the Void (464)
Irrational Expectations (119)
Irreconcilable Differences (62)
Is this All Really Happening? (118)
It Will Be Amazing (473)
Ja Boetie (164)
Jacques Dutronc (142)
James Comey (36)
January 6th (369, 370, 371)
Je Suis Venu (116)
Johnny Clegg (78, 203)
July 04 – Jul 13, 2020 (339)
Just for One Day (393)
Just Get Going (455)
Just keep adding layers (443)
Kaepernick (334)
Kaepernick 2017 (27)
Kaepernick 2018 (72)
Kaepernick 2019 (178)
Kalahari (414)
Kalahari Crossing (49)
Keep Going (459)
Keep It Simple (475)
Kitesurf Dillon Beach (52)
Kitesurfing Dillon Beach CA (416)
Kulungile Man (492)
La Chanson de Prevert (102)
La Javanaise (93)
LA Tell Me A Story (424)
Lady Liberty (256)
Landmark Cases of the US Supreme Court (291)
Laugh or Cry (16)
Laura Marling (321)
Le Monde Entier Est Un Cactus (142)
Leonard Cohen (120, 136, 138)
Life & Times of… (148, 198)
Limited Time on the Planet (211)
Lionesses in our Campsite (414)
Lions (414)
Listen – News Headlines from October 2022 (482)
Listen (364)
Lives of Others (44)
Lluvia (262-266)
Lockdown Drill (26)
London (423, 428, 429)
London Tell Me A Story (429)
Los Angeles I’m Yours (386)
Los Angeles I’m Yours (83, 155)
Lyle – The Traveling Monster Show (59)
Magic (388)
Magnetic (397)
Make Art (448)
Marilou Sous la Neige (187)
Mass Shootings in the USA (219)
Maybe it’s Only Us? (65)
Mexico Will Pay (22)
Michael Cohen’s Congressional Testimony (166)
Mid-terms in Real Time (71)
Milan Kundera (321)
Misinformation (87)
Mission (401)
Mistake of Action (460)
Mnuchin’s Tax Documents Refusal Letter (185)
Mojo – News Headlines from January 2023 (488)
Momentum (220)
Mueller Report Drops – 448:10:24 (181)
Muizenberg Safari Co. (46)
Music Divides (58)
My Africa (3, 346, 419)
My Africa # 2 (479)
My Africa # 3 (483)
My America – February 2019 (170)
My America – January 2019 (150)
My America – March 2016 (1)
My America – Nov/Dec 2018 (94)
My Button is Bigger Than Yours (137)
My Great & Unmatched Wisdom (245)
Mzansi (491)
Nasty Danes (221)
National Emergency Shmerengency (154)
Nationalist (77)
Neutral Milk Hotel (149)
New Colossus (256)
New York I Need You (280)
New York I’m Yours (281, 496)
New York Tell Me A Story (279, 494)
Nick Drake (81, 495)
No Choice (403)
No Pain, No Gain (463)
Noise – news headlines from July 2022 (446)
Not Crazy Enough (450)
Not for Sale (440)
Nothing, Not Nearly – 26 April 2020 (321)
Nyami Nyami (161)
Of Our Times – America (29)
Of Our Times – South Africa (12)
Of Our Times (374)
Olorun (151)
On Topic (407)
One Day I Will Make A Movie (451)
Original (468)
Outbreak (311)
Paradox: 15-30 January 2020 (297)
Parkland (35)
Patience (486)
People & Entities (167)
Perhaps We Should All Stop Yelling (107)
Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV (343)
Pink Moon – News Headlines from February 2023 (495)
Pink Moon (81)
Play (391)
Poor Me (101)
Populism (213)
Portrait of a Lady on Fire (309)
Preamble (250)
Preposterous (324)
Presidential Harassment (75)
Presidents of the US (186)
Quid Pro Quo (240)
Rabbit Hole (335)
Rational Expectations (308)
Rearranging Deckchairs (344)
Reconstitution (5)
Referendum (212)
Reinvent (325)
Repugnant (246)
Rioters Storm Capitol (369)
Road to Nowhere (275, 285)
Road to Nowhere [July 14 – Jul 20, 2020] (342)
Robert Mueller (31)
Rose Garden (354)
S&P500 – Open Outcry (199)
S&P500 – Past Performance (180)
Safari (414)
Safari as a Way of Life (134)
Sailing (412)
Same as it Ever Was (214)
Scatterlings (78)
SCOTUS (90, 427)
SCOTUS landmark cases (291)
SCOTUS Reversed (248)
SCOTUS with landmark cases (287)
Second Amendment – round (255)
Second Amendment (39)
Section 230 (330)
Send Her Back (207)
Serge Gainsbourg (93, 102, 116, 187)
She Really Shouldn’t Have (235)
She Was Here on this Earth (117)
Shelter from the Storm (57)
Shootings in the USA (219)
Shouting (61)
Si vous me regardez, qui je regarde moi? (309)
Silence – News Headlines from August 2022 (478)
Silence – news headlines from June 2022 (433)
Silence (502)
Sing (66, 67)
South Africa (489, 491)
Spark (418)
Spectacular (283)
Spookasem (156)
Stand Out (323)
Start all over (438)
State of the Union (501)
Stop Thinking – Start Doing (458)
Stories (389, 422, 497)
Stories to be Told (392)
Storyteller (395)
Strange Days – News Headlines from September 2022 (481)
Sugar Rush (15)
Supreme Court Reversed (248)
Survive (390)
Suspending UK Parliament Was Unlawful (238)
Swamp Creatures (45)
Swamp is a Business Model (24)
Take Me to the Heath (428)
Talking Heads (274, 275, 307)
Tea & Oranges (120)
Tears in Rain (347)
Tell Me a Story (417)
Tell Me About It (2)
Ten Commandments (228)
Terrific (21)
The Comfort of Strangers (169)
The End of the Game (284)
The Impeachment of Donald Trump (286)
The Life & Times Of – Calm (242)
The Life & Times Of – Fires (259)
The Life & Times Of – Glow (362)
The Life & Times Of – Human (298)
The Life & Times Of – Light (270)
The Life & Times Of – Pacific (269)
The Life & Times of… (198)
The Life & Times Of…[ART] (327)
The Life & Times Of…[PATIENCE] (345)
The Life & Times of…Brave (410)
The Life & Times of…Circus (484)
The Life & Times of…Complicated (432)
The Life & Times Of…Consistent (394)
The Life & Times Of…Dazed (413)
The Life & Times of…London (423)
The Life & Times Of…Magnetic (397)
The Life & Times Of…Patience (486)
The Life & Times Of…Spark (418)
The Life & Times of…Stories (422)
The Lives of Others – Oct ’22 (480)
The Lives of Others (44, 415)
The Music Divides (133, 278)
The New Abnormal (319)
The Shadow of an Orange Sky (350)
The Supreme Court of the United States (90, 427)
Then I’ll Dig a Tunnel (135)
There are Lions (236)
This Is Your One And Only Life (276)
Thou shalt not kill (253)
Tick Box (268)
Time Out of Mind (204, 329)
Time Out of Time (328)
Tinderbox (332)
Tomorrow Will Be Good (476)
Totally Clears the President (88)
Totally Epic (430, 472)
Tracks Slippery when Wet (490)
Transatlantic – Sea State (412)
Tribalism (33)
Tribes (278)
Trump on Covid (315)
Trump Refuses To Order Americans To Wear Face masks (340)
Trump V. Vance (341)
Trust (363, 367)
Trust the Process (466)
Trust v Fear (406)
Truth Emerges (55)
Twelve Days in March (316)
Twitter Bans All Political Ads (261)
Two Thousand & Sixteen (10)
U Bum (25)
Un/certainty (322)
Unbelievable – 18 April 2020 (318)
Undoing (11)
United-Divided (80)
Unravelling (68)
Unteilbar (63)
US Constitution – 01 (229)
US Constitution – 02 (230)
US Constitution – 03 (244)
US Constitution – 04 (247)
Virtuous Citizens (8)
Visions of Joanna (292)
Vote (352)
Wake Up (183)
Walls & Wind (23)
We are so Lucky (489)
We are Ugly but We Have the Music (136)
We the People (4, 360)
We The People [07-12 November 2020] (357)
We The People [12-17 November 2020] (358)
We Would Have Said So (194)
We’re Going to Walk Down Pennsylvania Avenue (370)
We’re On A Road To Nowhere (275, 285)
Well We Know Where We’re Going (274)
What Would Happen If Everybody Just Stopped Shouting? (61)
Who Dunnit? (47)
Whose Boat is this Boat? (114)
Why Plead the 5th? (41)
Wild & Free (404)
Wild & Trapped (469)
Win-Win Lose-Lose (60)
Wind (368)
Windmills Cause Cancer (176)
Witch Hunt (14)
Woke Up, Got Out of Bed (241)
Women’s World Cup – 2019 (202)
Word Panels (53)
Work Fast (447)
Work Hard (339)
Write Every Day (452)
Xhosa (491)
Xhosa (492)
Xi Jinping (28)
Yelling (107)
Yemanja 16 x 20? (157)
Yemanja 30 x 40? (217)
Yes – round (257)
Yes or No (6, 366)
Yes or No? (420)
Yes Problem (331)
Yoruba Pantheon (215)
You Decide (249)
You’re Breaking the Rules (224)
Your Voice, Your Vision (471)
Zero Sum Game (222)