[328] Time Out of Time

Completion Date: 23 May 2020
Medium: Paint & ink on acid-free mount-board
Dimensions: 30 x 40 inches

News Headlines 01-10 May 2020

01 May 2020
S&P500: 2,831.41
Bitcoin: 8,730
CO2 (PPM): 417.31
JPY/USD: 106.82
USD/EUR: 1.09
USD/GBP: 1.24
Trump Approval: 43.3%

10 May 2020
S&P500: 2,929.8
Bitcoin: 8,741
CO2 (PPM): 416.9
JPY/USD: 106.7
USD/EUR: 1.08
USD/GBP: 1.24
Trump Approval: 43.4

01 May
* US Cases: 1,111,510
* US deaths: 64,715
* White House blocks Dr. Fauci from testifying

02 May
* Doctors warn of “inevitable” second wave
* US protest continue

03 May
* Large rise in Russia cases
* New lows for deaths in France, Spain and Italy
* More US economies start to creak back to life

04 May
* US to borrow record $3tn as spending soars

05 May
* Apple & Google working together to develop contact tracing app
* Global deaths > 250,000
* UK reports highest Europe death toll
* Face masks become America’s new fault line
* White House plans to disband virus task force
* Hubei schools reopen for first time since outbreak

06 May
* Germany reopens shops

07 May
* US unemployment hits 33.3 million
* Justice Dept. drops case against Michael Flynn
* Paris restrictions to stay as France reopens

08 May
* Over 40 states partially reopened

09 May
* CDC chief in quarantine
* Germany infection rate rises as lockdown eases

10 May
* Pence will not self-quarantine
* China infections rise as new city cluster emerges
* WH races to contain virus in its ranks